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What we know today as Muldrew Lakes was home in the first instance to Algonquins.  Virgin stands of white and red pines attracted loggers in the nineteenth century who used the lakes to transport logs to a saw mill located where the trailer park now stands.  The lakes were subsequently homesteaded by several families scattered along the "Old Stone Road" that followed the north shore of the lake.  Late in the nineteenth century, a hunting cabin was built by Professor Burwash, an Old Testament scholar from Victoria College in the University of Toronto on the site of what is now know as the Whippoorwill Cottage.  The attractions of the lakes as a summer destination were quickly recognized. The first cottages appeared on the shores of the lakes early in the 1900s.

The Muldrew Lakes Cottagers’ Association has a long history.  The first generation of cottage pioneers were self reliant.  They were also community minded.  The constant threat of forest fires, the challenge of cottage building away from roads and power supplies, medical emergencies, friendships and the desire for Christian fellowship and worship created a strong sense of community and led eventually to the creation of the Muldrew Lakes Cottagers Club.  Land was deeded to the Club by a number of families for worship, annual meetings and regattas (Memorial Pines) and picnics (McLaughlin); or purchased for docking and boat launch (Indian Landing and Peck’s Landing). 

Over the intervening years, activity has focused on community events (swimming and sailing regattas, worship services, nature hikes, annual meetings), fire protection, maintaining the Indian and South Lake landings and the Indian and Middle portages and associated docks, development planning and representation to local governments, water safety, water quality testing, environmental protection, and the creation of a high quality, family oriented, multi-use cottage and lake environment.

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